Climate and Energy Informatics Lab
I am a PhD student in University of Birmingham. I graduate from University of Sydney. I have programming, machine learning, basic business and electricity background. And my research interest is smart grid and machine learning.
My Story
The University of Birmingham 2024-2027
Birmingham, UK
PhD in Electrical engineering
The University of Sydney 2019-2022
Sydney, Australia
Master of commerce
Speicalisation: big data and information system
Deakin University (2+2 Project) 2018 - 2019
Melbourne, Australia
bachelor of information Technology
speicalisation: programming
SouthWest University (2+2 Project) 2016 - 2020
Chongqing, China
Bachelor of software engineer
Power distribution network, Data visualization, Smart grid, Machine learning
Optimize and visualize energy cost for NHS University of Birmingham
Advisors: Dr.Weiqi Hua (School of Engineering, University of Birmingham) July. 2024 - Current
Optimize the energy costs and emissions for the entire process at Coventry University Hospital.
Visualize different energy cost from yearly and quarter perspectives.
Apply optimization methods to the energy system in medical facilities.
Business analysis for enterprise managers decisions University of Sydney
Advisors: Dr.Marcel Scharth (Business school, University of Sydney) Feb. 2021 - Oct. 2022
Read enterprise manager decisions articles provided by course material
Propose a decision threshold based on Wenhao's psychology research with Python data analysis.
Conduct the 'investor sentiment' performance with visualization analysis.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.